Healthy Living Blog

From lifting heavy bags of soil to using sharp tools, there are many potential hazards that can cause serious harm. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of injury when working in your yard and garden.
If you are pregnant, you are noticing changes to your body. From bladder control to back strain, here is some helpful information on what to expect, especially for a new mom.
Asthma is a chronic, reversible disease of the airway that is characterized by inflammation and hyperreactivity, resulting in breathing difficulty. Learn more about risk factors, treatment, and how to manage in your life.
If you are one of the millions of people who have seasonal allergies, you may be dreading Spring. The symptoms of seasonal allergies can make you miserable, but here are some simple things you can to do to control your allergies.
Nutrition can sometimes seem complicated, but the good news is that the FDA has a simple tool called the Nutrition Facts Label to help you know what you’re eating.  Found on all packaged foods and beverages, it serves as a guide for making choices that can affect your long-term health.
Regular annual wellness examinations, screenings, and tests can help find problems before they start.  They also can help find problems early, when your chances for treatment, survival, and cure are better. Learn more about managing your health screenings.
Heart disease is the #1 cause of death worldwide; however, there are ways to improve your heart health simply by changing your lifestyle and managing key risk factors. This article focuses on ways you can improve your heart health.
RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants and is also a major cause of hospitalization and mortality for adults ages 65+. Learn symptoms and treatments for RSV.