Starting the new year off right!
The start of a New Year is all about resolutions, fresh starts, and bettering ourselves. It might seem like those resolutions are only worth pursuing if they are grand, daring, or life-changing, but what often goes unnoticed are the little things. Here are some ideas and tips to start the New Year off right!
Stay hydrated. This often gets lost between all of the to-do’s on the list. To ensure you’re getting at least the minimal amount of water your body needs, try marking certain points throughout your day with a glass of water—such as upon waking up, before and after each meal, and one more before bedtime.
Make your mornings positive. Even if you aren’t a “morning person”, start each day in a positive way with a few simple morning rituals. This will be different for everyone, so it’s important to find what makes you happy and stick with it! Whether this is a playlist, a motivating podcast, your favorite workout, or simply a walk with your friend, just do something that fills your morning with positivity and sets the mood for your day.
Balance work and play. Our jobs and work take priority over many things in our life. The ability to work hard is a highly valued skill and work commitments should always be addressed. But sometimes the most valuable part of being successful is knowing when to close your email and do something you love!

Commit to a skincare routine. Guys, this goes for you, too. Sticking to a skincare routine can benefit you both now and later. Not only is it a great way to start each morning or night feeling refreshed, but the right products can leave your skin glowing and free of dirt, debris, and sweat from the day. It can also help your skin age more gracefully over the years.
Savor your sleep. Without enough sleep, all other functions start to fail and too many sleepless nights in a row will catch up to you. Set a bedtime and try as often as possible to make it a priority.
Set a technology curfew. We’re all guilty of laying in bed and scrolling through our phones late at night, even if we know it’s not the best habit. Although it takes effort, the start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to discipline yourself when it comes to technology. Try setting a “curfew” for yourself—put your phone in another room at least an hour or two before going to bed and don’t touch it until morning. This will allow your body and mind time to wind down before sleep and forces you to spend a couple of dedicated hours with your significant other, roommate, or yourself.

Start a gratitude journal. We often spend the last few months of the year reviewing all of the things we are thankful for during the holidays. To keep that feeling with you all year long, start a gratitude journal and write something you’re grateful for in it each day—even it that thing is just that you weren’t stuck in traffic that day. You’ll be able to look back, remember all the good things in your life, and maybe even have a laugh or two.
Clean out old clutter. Start your new year clutter-free. If you have some extra time during your holiday break, clean out your pantry, drawers, cabinets, and closets. Have a garage sale, give unwanted items to family/friends, or donate the items.
Make plans to look forward to. Plan something fun for yourself or family during 2024. It is always so much fun to have something fun planned that you are truly looking forward to doing. If you haven’t been on a vacation for a while, try to plan one (even if it’s a stay-cation!).
Make health a priority. This can include that resolution of “losing weight” like most people set for themselves at the beginning of the New Year, but it can also include taking time to meal prep during the week, trying a new workout, or going on walks with a friend. Developing a healthier routine does not require a ton of time.
This list, while not exhaustive, will hopefully help you see past the typical New Year’s resolutions that people set for themselves. It’s never to late to make changes to become the best version of you!
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